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Allows the model to jointly attend to information from different representation subspaces. See reference: Attention Is All You Need


  dropout = 0,
  bias = TRUE,
  add_bias_kv = FALSE,
  add_zero_attn = FALSE,
  kdim = NULL,
  vdim = NULL,
  batch_first = FALSE



total dimension of the model.


parallel attention heads. Note that embed_dim will be split across num_heads (i.e. each head will have dimension embed_dim %/% num_heads).


a Dropout layer on attn_output_weights. Default: 0.0.


add bias as module parameter. Default: True.


add bias to the key and value sequences at dim=0.


add a new batch of zeros to the key and value sequences at dim=1.


total number of features in key. Default: NULL


total number of features in value. Default: NULL. Note: if kdim and vdim are NULL, they will be set to embed_dim such that query, key, and value have the same number of features.


if TRUE then the input and output tensors are \((N, S, E)\) instead of \((S, N, E)\), where N is the batch size, S is the sequence length, and E is the embedding dimension.


$$ \mbox{MultiHead}(Q, K, V) = \mbox{Concat}(head_1,\dots,head_h)W^O \mbox{where} head_i = \mbox{Attention}(QW_i^Q, KW_i^K, VW_i^V) $$



  • query: \((L, N, E)\) where L is the target sequence length, N is the batch size, E is the embedding dimension. (but see the batch_first argument)

  • key: \((S, N, E)\), where S is the source sequence length, N is the batch size, E is the embedding dimension. (but see the batch_first argument)

  • value: \((S, N, E)\) where S is the source sequence length, N is the batch size, E is the embedding dimension. (but see the batch_first argument)

  • key_padding_mask: \((N, S)\) where N is the batch size, S is the source sequence length. If a ByteTensor is provided, the non-zero positions will be ignored while the position with the zero positions will be unchanged. If a BoolTensor is provided, the positions with the value of True will be ignored while the position with the value of False will be unchanged.

  • attn_mask: 2D mask \((L, S)\) where L is the target sequence length, S is the source sequence length. 3D mask \((N*num_heads, L, S)\) where N is the batch size, L is the target sequence length, S is the source sequence length. attn_mask ensure that position i is allowed to attend the unmasked positions. If a ByteTensor is provided, the non-zero positions are not allowed to attend while the zero positions will be unchanged. If a BoolTensor is provided, positions with True are not allowed to attend while False values will be unchanged. If a FloatTensor is provided, it will be added to the attention weight.


  • attn_output: \((L, N, E)\) where L is the target sequence length, N is the batch size, E is the embedding dimension. (but see the batch_first argument)

  • attn_output_weights:

    • if avg_weights is TRUE (the default), the output attention weights are averaged over the attention heads, giving a tensor of shape \((N, L, S)\) where N is the batch size, L is the target sequence length, S is the source sequence length.

    • if avg_weights is FALSE, the attention weight tensor is output as-is, with shape \((N, H, L, S)\), where H is the number of attention heads.


if (torch_is_installed()) {
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
multihead_attn <- nn_multihead_attention(embed_dim, num_heads)
out <- multihead_attn(query, key, value)
attn_output <- out[[1]]
attn_output_weights <- out[[2]]
} # }
